From:  Conny Baumann
Date:  Wednesday Aug 3, 2005
Subject: "The Sun Keeps Shining"

Just a quick email, as the rest of the week is proving to be very hectic.  But very good and productive.  Well we have almost fixed all the doors, and made doors again for the toilets that didn't have any.  Imagine using a toilet with no door, I am sure some of you guys would find that tricky!  I have become quite the handy girl around here, and keep thinking of new ways to fix a wall, a door, a roof, and they are working!  I love being out here, despite the highs and lows, and I do wish it could be more permanent.  If only for a year.  We are having a little party on Friday in the tent, and all the ladies whose toilets have been fixed are making cakes, and coconut yummy does that sound.  The evenings are very quiet, and usually all the females disappear into their houses by seven pm.  So it's not such a good idea being out by yourself in a truly mans world.  Went to another orphanage yesterday, where most of the children from the last one have been taken too.  At first they just stared at me, and I started singing a song we used to sing, and they all joined in remembering every word and the actions, and then singing it to one another and the other children who were not at the orphanage.  I was so over joyed.  One little boy recognized me immediately, and kept shouting, Montessori, Montessori and gave me a massive hug.  He then went to get a book and showed me a picture he had drawn.  I had to keep it together, mainly because I was driving back any minute with Murray, and knew if I burst into tears, it would not be a good moment.  Their new place is stunning, and massive, and even though it was very sad  to walk away, I know they are much happier now, and they things they have are gorgeous.  Apparently, the locals have complained about it being too good, as they think that when they are eighteen and have to leave, they will get a shock at the real world and its lifestyle.   The school/study centre is almost finished, and this afternoon they will finish off the roof, and two more doors.  Hopefully we can fix one more toilet and a wall, but will need a builder to do it for us, and no-one knows how to mix cement over here.  People here could definitely be taught more skills, so they can take control over situations in their lives.  had a tuk tuk driver take me to his house today, to show me his broken tuk tuk, which is in pieces, and I mean pieces, a bag of parts, an exhaust, you name it.  Anyway, he wanted me to help him and it would cost about 250 pounds.  I took down his details and will have to find out the real story first.  Have a meeting in twenty minutes and then have to sort out vegetables for a camp.

Love conny.  Take care and keep emailing.