From:  Conny Baumann
Date:  Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2005
Subject: "Min Dae (Little Days)"

I have been fed on a regular basis, with sweet tea, very sweet juice, and lots of buffalo milk that needs lots and lots of sugar by a lovely family that was introduced by a  friend from Can-Do, (remember that page.... )  Anyway, half their roof is done, and they use most of their money on their other son Dulip who became totally paralyzed from meningitis a few years back, and now is able to sit up, eat, move his leg slightly with a bit of physio.  Sitting there yesterday, I just thought stuff it, yes I know there are some families with less than they have, but you know what, why shouldn't they have a complete roof!  Yep, so we got the stuff, have some friends over there right now, finishing it off with him.  Funny thing is, well they all thought it was very funny....I told Primal to get three quotes by himself, and I would get three and we would meet up later and see which shop was the best.  Well, when it came to comparing prices, mine where about 250Rupees more per sheet, than his, from the same shop!  So that cancelled that shop out immediately.  My others were all more expensive than his quotes, so we ended up at a lovely air cond hardware store near his home, and now have managed to get all the materials and stuff for hardly anything. A few friends have arrived that I met last time, and now are all helping getting it set up.  I really want it done before I leave.  So there we go, now I even know what's needed for a roof, could be building my own house at this rate.  The kept saying sudaaka, and then laughing about the quotes I got, which means white face, and over here that means you must be very wealthy, if only they knew!  But were also very proud of the fact that he had managed to get such a low quote, so that was good.   So Eric, they should have a roof when you get there!  (The back side)  I can't believe that tomorrow is my last day, I went to the village where Chaini is, and where we did the tables for the school and bathrooms, and they all kept giving me more lace.  I had to really control my emotions, as it wasn't the last day and how could I cry.  The man who just sits and does nothing now, gets up and talks to me everyday, and his English is amazing!  I can't believe I managed to get him out of that chair.  It's a bit like the old man in the movie 'under the Tuscan sun'  Which you should all watch by the way.  Even Caroline could not believe he had moved!

I know this place is not a forever place, yet somehow I feel like so much has been done, without the frustration of red tape.  Even though there is plenty of red tape.   I feel myself welling up each time, and I really don't have the words to express how I am feeling right now.  More and more I realize that just being here is more than enough, someone to laugh at for being ripped off, or entertaining the locals in their restaurant, as they watch us eat their food.  JJ and I went to a local dodgy one last night, and the service was amazing, I think they were so stunned they we actually enjoyed their food!  It was great though and very very cheep!

WE went to visit our old village where we had eighty kids in a big hot tent, and as we were chatting to one of the ladies that used to help translate for us, we heard this massive noise, looked behind us and there they were, all 80 of them, saying, Hello conny, hello Caroline, and started singing a song we taught them last time. They then  ran to their tent, sat down and waited for a session of entertaining!!!!  How could we refuse.  It felt like we had never been away, what an amazing way to end a day, they remembered everything we had taught them, including a circle name game.  I could just do that all the time, so keen, so eager, no begging. debating, explaining, that I endure most days at school back home.  Just writing this makes me realize more and more how there is a whole world out there that just needs to laugh, that just needs some of our time, our energy and our love.  More and more I realize that giving money is not the most important thing.  Yes they need things, but they need support, hope and joy to sustain them.  I keep praying, (thanks Ryan...) for wisdom to change the things I can  and  accept the things I can't,  for wisdom to know the difference.

Now that I have rambled on, just seen the time, and realized it's almost lunchtime at the roof family, and there is no way I am allowed to miss that, I just wish they believed in little portions!

I don't know what you guys get out of these mails, or if you even read them, but one thing I would encourage you to do, is give your time, whether it's one week of your life, one day, but give your time. Time is the most valuable thing.  And I don't mean rush over here, and eat street food, and drink sweet tea, but where you are, in the community you are in, your neighbours, friends that are alone, People you keep meaning to catch up with.  They need you, don't ever think they don't.  What is a day!

Enough of the lecture, hope you are all well, and hope to see some of you in-between the four days I am back in London before going home.

I feel like I have a thousand thoughts running through my head, and there is no way I can sort them out yet.  The buses are on strike, so hopefully I will get a bus to Colombo, otherwise I will miss my flight, and maybe part of me hopes that.  A reason, an excuse to stay.

take care Love conny