From:  Caroline Collins
Date:  Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2005
Subject: "Quick News"

Lunch with the Locals "Eat, eat, eat ........" You really do offend unless you fill your plate at least 3 times - I'm coping! More offers of places to stay in 'half-houses' etc. 'Don't waste money on guest houses.............' Amazing hospitality and generosity as ever.

Martin has met up with Sister Alex - tea at the Convent. Is this not what he expects when courting a Jewish girl??

More programmes for children at camps.

Delivering sewing machines tomorrow - mini-parties to celebrate - why not?

Further research into ways of spending donations. Ideas; setting up individual businesses (street food stalls etc), buying bikes, more sewing machines, contributing towards a 'Communications Center' to help people find work, supporting individual families by buying cookers & plates ........ paying for building works to make homes more hospitable, Veg, etc etc.

Yesterday, Tuk-tuks and most buses were on strike - we managed - thankfully business as usual today.

I hate mosquitoes - they love me.

Martin's stomach is a little better - although still delicate; he was able to work today.

Need the loo!!! Always need the loo in Sri Lanka - so many glamorous fly-filled squats to choose from - how's a girl to choose??

Love to all, hope all are well, C. x